
International exhibition WorldFood Moscow 2018

The agro-industrial K-agro park and the Agency of regional development of the Kaluga region were acquainted with production presented at an exhibition, held working meetings with representatives of The Embassy of the developing countries that are showing interest and seeing the prospects of development of investment projects in Russia, in particular in the Kaluga region and also were informed about activity of the companies considering expansion of the production near Moscow.

Additionally, it was a pleasure to meet on so large-scale event our first resident – the innovative company Tekleor LLC that offers service in antimicrobic processing of food the accelerated electrons for safe increase in a period of storage to all representatives of the food industry.

Russia's first center of Tekleor LLC are built and put into operation on the territory of Agro-industrial park K-AGRO one year ago and our purpose is – to create the best conditions to representatives of the food industry for development and expansion of their business in Russia.